Deutsch English

Pilot-datebook - das Schweizer Taschenmesser für Termindaten

Aus dem Bedarf, Termindaten zu konvertieren und korrigieren habe ich ein kleines Programm erstellt, das dies sehr gut unterstützt. Da ich davon ausgehe, dass das Program auch für viele andere sehr nützlich ist habe ich mich entschieden, es zu veröffentlichen. Ich habe es der GPL Lizenz unterstellt, weil ich die Vorteile dieses Modells schon lange selbst nutzen konnte (bei der Nutzung von pilot-link, und Linux) - dies ist meine Gelegenheit der Community etwas zurück zu geben, zum Vorteil aller.

Es war meine Absicht, dass pilot-datebook in pilot-link aufgenommen wird, das Unix Hotsync Tool für Palm OS Geräte. Das gelang leider nur temporär für die Versionen pilot-link 0.10.x sowie 0.11.x. Pilot-datebook compiliert gegen die pilot-link Libraries, daher muss pilot-link installiert werden vor pilot-datebook.

Für zukünftige Verbesserungen und bekannte Bugs gibt es Informationen in der Datei pilot-datebook-todo.txt, das Teil des pilot-datebook tar-Files ist.

Bitte genießt, und schreibt mir wenn es gefällt. Ich denke es ist in einem ziemlich stabilen Zustand. Sofern mich keiner vom Gegenteil überzeugt werde ich nur noch Bugs beheben. Wer jedoch etwas verbessern will - Patches sind immer willkommen!

Vorschläge und Kommentare bitte per E-Mail an: pilotdatebook at mhessler de

Die letzte Version des pilot-datebook tar-Files kann geladen werden von: pilot-datebook-20020224.tar.gz (174627 bytes)

Der Einfachheit halber hier noch der Quellcode für pilot-link 0.9.5: pilot-link.0.9.5.tar.bz2. Die jeweils letzte Version von pilot-link ist verfügbar unter In den pilot-link Version 0.10.x sowie 0.11.x war pilot-datebook schon enthalten. Mit der Version 0.12.0 wurde pilot-datebook dann aber leider wieder aus pilot-link entfernt, ohne dass ich davon etwas mit bekam. Wäre schon nett gewesen, mir wenigstens vorher bescheid zu sagen...

Der folgende Text ist aus der Datei pilot-datebook-readme.txt, die auch im pilot-datebook tar-File enthalten ist (sorry, auf Englisch):

'pilot-datebook' has been intended to be the 'Swiss Army Knife' for datebook
related data manipulation.

The main strengths of pilot-datebook are the number of data formats it
supports for import/export (including csv, plain text, Windows desktop
format), and its manipulation abilities.

To install pilot-datebook you need the latest pilot-link version
(currently pilot-link 0.9.5) first.
pilot-datebook can be installed on top of this pilot-link version in the
following way:

* Untar source code:
        tar xf pilot-datebook-20020224.tar

* Add the following lines to
pilot-datebook$(EXT): $(PILIB) $(GETOPT) \
  pilot-datebook.o pilot-datebook-data.o \
  pilot-datebook-joblist.o pilot-datebook-job.o pilot-datebook-sort.o \
  pilot-datebook-update.o pilot-datebook-compare.o pilot-datebook-io.o \
  pilot-datebook-pdb.o pilot-datebook-csv.o pilot-datebook-longtxt.o \
  pilot-datebook-hotsync.o pilot-datebook-remind.o pilot-datebook-ical.o \
  pilot-datebook-shorttxt.o pilot-datebook-windat.o parsedate.o
        $(CCLINK) pilot-datebook.o pilot-datebook-data.o \
  pilot-datebook-joblist.o pilot-datebook-job.o pilot-datebook-sort.o \
  pilot-datebook-update.o pilot-datebook-compare.o pilot-datebook-io.o \
  pilot-datebook-pdb.o pilot-datebook-csv.o pilot-datebook-longtxt.o \
  pilot-datebook-hotsync.o pilot-datebook-remind.o pilot-datebook-ical.o \
  pilot-datebook-shorttxt.o pilot-datebook-windat.o parsedate.o \
  $(PILIB) $(GETOPT) -o $@ $(LIBS)

[the character in front of $(CCLINK) has to be a tab, make sure you
change it accordingly when copy & pasting]

* Run './configure'
This should generate a new Makefile which contains the above lines.

* Run 'make pilot-datebook'
This should compile the source code and eventually generate an executable.

* Run 'pilot-datebook -h'
This should start the program and display a short summary screen on how to
use it. An overview of all available help screens can be seen when calling
'pilot-datebook -hhelp'.

* Go to subdirectory pilot-datebook-test
        cd pilot-datebook-test

* Run 'test_all'
This will run various tests which ensure that pilot-datebook runs properly
as intended by the author. The test script will abort if an error is
encountered. If all tests are passed, then it should be safe
to use pilot-datebook.

* Enjoy!
You might want to have a look at the various test scripts for samples on
how to use pilot-datebook. For an especially complex update/read/write
example have a look at script 'test_update_complex'.

For the conversion help screen use 'pilot-datebook -hconvert' (it also
explains how to replace the existing pilot-link tools 'install-datebook',
'reminders', 'read-ical').

Matthias Hessler

Please note that so far pilot-datebook has been developed and tested in a
Linux environment (Suse 7.0, Kernel 2.2.16). Although the author has tried
to not endanger portability, porting to other platforms has not been
attempted so far.

Usual disclaimer: use pilot-datebook at your own risk, it may corrupt your
data. Absolutely no warrenty! By using pilot-datebook you agree to these terms.
In particular, pilot-datebook does not do any consistency checks for your
data (i.e. it will not prevent you from having appointments which begin today,
and end yesterday - hotsync will crash on these things).

The following text is the help output you can get from pilot-datebook when calling it with its various help options:

# pilot-datebook -h
pilot-datebook 0.98  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler

usage: pilot-datebook [options] [[command] [cmd_options] [@optfile]...]
Mostly: pilot-datebook  -r <in_fmt> -f <in_file>   -w <out_fmt> -f <out_file>
    or: pilot-datebook  -r <in_fmt>  -w <out_fmt>   < <in_file>  > <out_file>
[use pilot-datebook -hconvert  to see command line examples]

  -q          quiet mode
  -v          verbose/debug mode
  -h          show this help
  -hhelp      show overview on all available help screens

  -i <cond>   only do next command if <cond> is true
  -r <fmt>    read file with format <fmt>  (ignoring -i)
  -w <fmt>    write file with format <fmt>
  -s <order>  sort rows by <order>  (ignoring -i)
  -u <assign> update rows according to <assign>
  -d          delete rows  (only useful with -i)

[cmd_options] (for read/write):
  -f <file>   read from <file>/write to <file> (default: stdin/stdout)

# pilot-datebook -hhelp
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Available help screens:
  -h          show usage
  -hhelp      show overview on all help screens
  -hfield     show supported data field names
  -hftype     show supported data field types
  -hformat    show supported data formats for <fmt>
  -hif        show information on how to specify <cond> for conditions
  -hsort      show information on <order> for sorting
  -hupdate    show information on <assign> for updating
  -hconvert   show command line examples for data conversion (read/write)
  -hcsv       show information on csv import/export

# pilot-datebook -hfield
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Available data fields (for use in <fmt>, <order>, <assign>):
* uid (long)
* attributes (int)
* category (int: 0=Unfiled)
* untimed (int: 0=Appointment, 1=Untimed)
* begin (time) = beginDate (time) + beginTime (seconds)
* end (time) = endDate (time) + endTime (seconds)
* alarm (int: 0=no alarm, 1=alarm)
* advance (int), advanceUnit (int: 0=minutes, 1=hours, 2=days)
* repeatType (int: 0=none, 1=daily, 2=weekly, 3=monthly, 4=monthly/weekday,
* repeatForever (int: 0=not forever, 1=forever)                       5=yearly)
* repeatEnd (time)
* repeatFrequency (int)
* repeatDay (int: day# or 0..6=Sun..Sat 1st, 7..13 2nd, 14..20 3rd, 21..27 4th,
* repeatWeekstart (int)                                         28-34 last week)
* repeatWeekdays (int: add - 1=Sun,2=Mon,4=Tue,8=Wed,16=Thu,32=Fri,64=Sat)
* description (str)
* note (str)
* xLong,yLong,zLong (long), xInt,yInt,zInt (int), xTime,yTime,zTime (time),
* xSeconds,ySeconds,zSeconds (seconds), xStr,yStr,zStr (str)

# pilot-datebook -hftype
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Available data field types:
* long (is 'unsigned long' in C)
    Examples: '123456789','987654321'
* int (is 'int' in C)
    Examples: '123456','654321'
* time (is 'struct tm' in C, but will be converted to time_t for calculation)
    Examples: '27 oct 1968 19:15','1968-10-27 19:15','27 oct 1968','1968-10-27'
* seconds (is 'long' in C)
  Modifiers 'd','m','h' are possible (days, minutes, hours);
  alternatively specify in form 'x:y:z' (hours:minutes:seconds).
  Time field assignments will use 'seconds modulo 86400'.
    Examples: '86400','1d','24:' (= 1 day)
    Examples: '3600','1h','1:' (= 1 hour)
    Examples: '60','1m','0:1' (= 1 minute)
    Examples: '1','0:0:1' (= 1 second)
* str (is 'char *' in C, requires strdup)
  String literals have to be surrounded by single or double quotes.
  String literals may quote characters with backslash (like printf).
    Examples: "String1", "String2,line1\n\t\"String2\",line2"

# pilot-datebook -hformat
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Available data formats (for <fmt>):
* hotsync     direct connection to pilot (read & write)
* pdb         pilot database file format (read & write)
* windat      file format for Windows desktop (read & write)
* csv         comma-separated values format (read & write)
* longtxt     human-readable text file format (read & write)
* shorttxt    install-datebook import text file format (read & write)
* remind      reminders import text format (write only)
* ical        ical import text format (write only)

Please note:
* File formats hotsync, pdb, windat, and longtxt are almost lossless
* csv can be lossless with the exception of repeat exceptions
* Use command line option -l to set the desktop file location for windat
* See separate help screen for csv format (-hcsv)

# pilot-datebook -hif
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Condition:  -i "<cond>"

* <cond> specifies a list of conditions
* Multiple conditions can be listed with ';' in between (= AND).
* Each condition consists of: <field> <operator> <value>
* <field>: has to be a field name
* Use pilot-datebook -hfields  to see available data fields
* <operator>: use '==' for equal, '!=' for not equal, '<' for less,
* '<=' for less or equal, '>' for greater, '>=' for greater or equal
* <value>: currently has to be a literal
* All listed conditions within <cond> are connected with AND
* Multiple definitions of -i will be connected with OR

Example: -i "alarm=0" -u "alarm=1;advance=5;advanceUnit=0"
                    [if no alarm is set, then set alarm to 5 minutes before]
     or: -i "begin<27 oct 1988 10:13" -d
                      [delete all rows which begin before 27 Oct 1988 10:13]

# pilot-datebook -hsort
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Sort:  -s "<order>"

* <order> specifies a list of sort fields
* Multiple sort fields can be listed with ';' in between
* Use pilot-datebook -hfields  to see available data fields
* Rows are compared first on their first sort field. If those are equal,
then the second (then third,...) sort fields are compared
* Add '+' for ascending, '-' for descending order before sort field name
* Use '-s ""' to buffer all rows unsorted (avoids straight-through processing)

Example: -s "alarm;advanceUnit;advance"  [default = ascending sort order]
     or: -s "-alarm;-advanceUnit;-advance"  [descending sort order]

# pilot-datebook -hupdate
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Update:  -u "<assign>"

* <assign> specifies a list of assignments
* Multiple assignments can be listed with ';' in between.
* Each assignment consists of: <field> <operator> <value>
* <field>: has to be a field name
* Use pilot-datebook -hfields  to see available data fields
* <operator>: use '=' to assign, '+=' to increase, '-=' to decrease
* <value>: currently has to be a literal
* String literals have to be surrounded by single or double quotes
* String literals may quote characters with backslash (like printf)
* All listed updates are carried out

Example: -u "alarm=1;advance=5;advanceUnit=0"  [set alarm: 5 minutes before]
     or: -u "note+='\nadditional\tcomment\;line1\nline2'"   [add text to note]

# pilot-datebook -hconvert
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

Examples for data conversion (read/write):

* Drop records starting before 1971:
    pilot-datebook -r pdb -f in.pdb -i "beginDate<1Jan1971" -d -w pdb -f out.pdb
* Export in.pdb into clear text file out.txt:
    pilot-datebook  -r pdb -f in.pdb  -w longtxt -f out.txt
* Import clear text file in.txt and write desktop file datebook.dat:
    pilot-datebook  -r longtxt -f in.txt  -w windat -f datebook.dat
* Behave like pilot-xfer -f DatebookDB (read hotsync, write to pdb):
    pilot-datebook  -r hotsync -f /dev/pilot  -w pdb -f DatebookDB.pdb
* Behave like install-datebook (read shorttxt, write hotsync):
    pilot-datebook  -r shorttxt <in_file>  -w hotsync -f /dev/pilot
  or (for multiple files):
    cat <files> | pilot-datebook  -r shorttxt  -w hotsync -f /dev/pilot
* Behave like reminders (read hotsync, write to stdout):
    pilot-datebook  -r hotsync -f /dev/pilot  -w remind
* Behave like read-ical -d (read hotsync, pipe to ical):
    pilot-datebook  -r hotsync -f /dev/pilot  -w ical | ical -f - -calendar <filename>

# pilot-datebook -hcsv
pilot-datebook 0.97  (c) 2000 by Matthias Hessler
(use pilot-datebook -h  to see usage)

CSV (comma-separated values) import/export (read/write):

* The CSV format is well understood by many programs, especially
  by spreadsheet programs
* Two additional [cmd_options] are supported: -o and -t
* -o <output_value_list> specifies a comma separated list of output values
* The default for <output_value_list> includes all printable data fields
* All data fields can be used in <output_value_list>, even transient
  internal data fields like the x/y/z variables
* -t <header_value_list> specifies which header to write/expect in the file
* <header_value_list> can be empty to indicate that no header line should
  be written/expected in the csv file
* If <header_value_list> has been provided, then it has to match
* If <header_value_list> is just "*", then it will always match
* Field names may be quoted; unknown field names can be matched with '*'
* If only <output_value_list> was provided, then it will also be used
  as <header_value_list>
* If neither <output_value_list> nor <header_value_list> have been provided,
  then default will be used for writing, and encountered header for reading
* You can use 'Outlook' as <header_value_list> to get compatible format which
  can be read by Outlook. Outlook output can be difficult to read, since
  it uses the local date format for writing, which may be difficult to parse.
* Outlook does a different quoting for newlines, therefore avoid those for now.

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(c) 2001 by Matthias Hessler webadmin at mhessler de